Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
For the publisher: Predrag Šustar
Editor: Irena Grubica
Language editing: Joseph Molitorisz
Cover page design: Valentina Stepan
Computer and print design: IMPRESS, Rijeka
Edition: 250 copies
Cover page: Untitled, digital print 2011, Valentina Stepan
Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
For the publisher: Predrag Šustar
Editor: Irena Grubica
Language editing: Joseph Molitorisz
Cover page design: Valentina Stepan
Computer and print design: IMPRESS, Rijeka
Edition: 250 copies
Cover page: Untitled, digital print 2011, Valentina Stepan

The book includes abstracts from the international interdisciplinary conference Held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka on 17 and 18 February 2012. The conference gathered more than fifty scholars coming from all across Europe (United Kingdom, Scotland UK, Ireland, France, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Austria, Russia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia). The main discussion revolved around the concept of the fantastic and related issues in literature and culture, as well as various discourses the term itself generates. The topics of the abstracts collected in this book include but are not limited to the following: - The fantastic and various aspects of the fin-de-siècle(s) aesthetics - The fantastic and the challenging of the fin-de-siècle(s) canon ; genres and sub-genres, popular literature, intertextuality - The fantastic and gender, body, corporeality - The fantastic and narrative manipulations, supernatural, temporality, scientific development and progress, cultural anxiety and social crisis, cultural subversion - The fantastic and identity, dualism, doppelganger, grotesque - The philosophy of the fantastic - The fantastic and memory, cultural memory - The fantastic and visual in the fin-de-siècle(s) ; literary in relation to other modes of representation, visual and performance, film - A single author/text: e.g. Oscar Wilde, Vernon Lee, George MacDonald, Bram Stoker, R. L. Stevenson, Arthur Machen, etc., as well as comparative analysis - The fin-de-siècle fantastic as reflected cross-culturally in Scottish, Canadian, Australian, American, etc. writing, emphasising specific predominant cultural or generic aspect, the genesis of the fin-de-siècle fantastic in these cultures and literatures and their relations to wider historical and cultural framework, possible relation to the issue of postcolonialism - Fantastic, imperialism, (post)colonialism, nationalism - Some papers highlight the interaction of fin-de-siècle fantastic and gothic literature with other literary periods, both canonical and popular literature, in terms of the reception, intertextuality and their dialogic and cultural implications. The conference also discussed the legacy of the term in various fin de siècles, especially its application to literature and culture of the end of the 19th and 20th century, raising or challenging parallels and questioning the very idea of end (fin). It provided a stimulating platform for further rethinking of the concept of the fantastic, its theoretical, philosophical, generic, and other implications within a broader literary and cultural context.

digitalprint "Prožimanja" 2011/exhibition "Fantastika zbilje" 2012/Rijeka